IP Winterhawks "A" Division Finalists, News, IP LL #1, 2016-2017, LL (Innisfil Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 20, 2017 | ghovius | 1697 views
IP Winterhawks "A" Division Finalists
The Innisfil IPLL#1 Winterhawks are 'A'Division Finalists 

The Innisfil IPLL#1 Winterhawks travelled to Oshawa, Ontario this past weekend to compete in the O.C.H.L March Classic House League Tournament from March 17th to 19th. For almost all this was their first "roadie" tournament experience complete with hotel, mini sticks & pool! and they certainly took advantage of all three..

The tournament saw the Mini Hawks take on some talented teams from other centres such as Clarington and Durham. The Hawks faired well in the round robin going 3-0 while facing some of the stiffest competition they have seen all year with a couple of tight 1 goal games including an exciting late game winning thriller to break a tie stalemate that help propel the Winterhawks into 2nd place in the division and give them a shot at competing for Gold Cup in the 'A' division Final.
In the Final the Hawks faced off against a talented Durham Crusaders team who finished undefeated in the tourney as well outscoring their opponents 27-3. Our boys and girls saved their best game for last as they played their hearts out to the delight of all the fans, spectators and passer-byes in an exciting match-up that saw many great individual and team plays all over the ice. Both teams were equally matched with only 1 shot separating the two in the end. The Hawks gave the Crusaders their toughest challenge and never trailed in the game until 3 minutes left. 

The IPLL #1 Winterhawks represented Innisfil, their family & friends, coaches and especially themselves exceptionally well this past weekend and should be very proud of what they have accomplished both at the tournament as well as the entire season to date.
Congratulations to all from Coaches Graham, Cam, Ryan and Keegan.   

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