Executive and Staff Roles and Responsibilities (Innisfil Minor Hockey)

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Executive and Staff Roles and Responsibilities


Currently Held by

Roles and Responsibilities


Karrie Copelli

  • Chair the Annual General Meeting of the Association, any General Meetings of the Association and all Board meetings.
  • Oversee and be responsible for managing the Ice Scheduler, ensuring all procedures are followed and the correct amount of ice is booked.
  • Oversee and be responsible for managing the Referee Assignor
  • Oversee and be responsible for the Administrator – Registrar.
  • Represent the Association in the Community
  • Chair the Accountability Committee
  • Sit on the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Exercise general supervision of the Association ensuring that By-Laws, Rules of Operation, and Board Policies are being properly administered.
  • Report regularly to the Board on matters of Interest
  • Serve as a signing officer for the association
  • Delegate tasks as necessary.


Vice President

Mike Anderson

  • Sit on the Discipline and Ethics Committee
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Representative Hockey.
  • Sit on the Tournament Committee
  • Serve as liaison with Arena Managers
  • Oversee operation of all (Development, Local League, Representative) IMHA Hockey Divisions
  • Assume the duties of the President in the absence for any reason of the President
  • Monitor adherence by the Board to all By-Laws, Rules of Operation and Policies of the Board, and inform the Board of any inconsistencies between existing Polices and any proposed policies.
  • Be actively involved in the organization. Laisse and partner, as necessary, with Directors of the Board to move responsibilities and initiatives forward.
  • Carry out other duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Representative Hockey and OMHA Delegate

Vince Charlebois


  • Sit on the Discipline and Ethics Committee
  • Sit on The Budget and Finance Committee
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Representative Hockey
  • Serve as the OMHA Delegate for the Association
  • Serve as the primary contact for the OMHA for the Association
  • Represent the IMHA at all YSMHL meetings
  • Represent the IMHA at the OMHA Annual General Meeting.
  • Represent the IMHA at any and all Zone Meetings and Governing Bodies and such other meetings that may be determined to be in the best interest of the IMHA
  • Responsible for the overall operation of the Representative Hockey program
  • Responsible for reporting operations of the Representative Hockey program to the Board
  • Distribute the Referees rule book, the OHF handbook and the OMHA Manual of Operations
  • Coordinate IMHA attendance and participation in the OMHA Annual General Meeting
  • Responsible for Batch Rosters and reconciliations
  • Process travel documentation for all IMHA teams
  • Process all Player Transfers for families moving into the IMHA region
  • Maintain accurate records in regards to AP players, and Suspensions of Representative Hockey players and coaches,
  • Issue NRP forms, permissions to skate and any and all other forms required for tryouts.
  • Maintain the rep tryout policy
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board Innisfil Minor Hockey Association


 Courtney Ward

  • Sit on the Accountability Committee
  • Record or delegate the recording of the minutes of all meetings of the Board, General meetings of the Association and Annual General Meetings of the Association as well as any meetings as required by the President.
  • Be responsible for drafting the agenda for all meetings of the Board, General meetings of the association and Annual General Meetings of the Association as well as any meetings as required by the president.
  • Ensure the association records are regularly and properly kept.
  • Ensure all business is conducted in accordance with any applicable statute or law, the Letters Patent, the By-Laws, the Rules of Operation and any policies of the Board.
  • Post notices and distribute minutes as stipulated in this By-Law
  • Ensure the proper custody of the Associations corporate seal, corporate minutes, resolutions, and other corporate records and documents
  • Be responsible for receiving and distributing all correspondence received or sent by the Association and all communications within the Association.
  • Recommend policy to the Board regarding internal and external communications of the Association
  • Shall serve as a signing officer of the Association
  • Carry out other duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Finance, Treasurer


  • Chair the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Sit on the Tournament Committee
  • Present a monthly report to the board, to include a detailed summary of current approved budget for the current operating year for Local League Hockey and Representative Hockey separately.
  • Ensure adherence to and implementation of financial Policies in the financial administration of the Association
  • Ensure the submission of the books of account to the Auditor of the Association at the end of the financial year.
  • Present a Report of the Auditor from the previous year at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
  • Present a projected financial position for the current year at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
  • Evaluate, review and recommend financial policy to the Board
  • Shall oversee financial operation of all committees that generate or disperse funds in the name of the IMHA.
  • Serve as a signing officer of the Association
  • Oversee and approve all Local League Hockey Team Budgets
  • Oversee and approve all Representative Hockey Team Budgets
  • Define and uphold all IMHA policies regarding fundraising
  • Ensure that all team fundraising activities are within OMHA and IMHA guidelines
  • Collect year and team financial reconciliations
  • Responsible for managing relationships with payment vendor, and recommendation of vendor to Board.
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board.

Director of Risk Management

Justin Taylor

  • Chair the Disciplinary and Ethics Committee
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Representative Hockey
  • Sit on the Tournament Committee
  • Identify, assess, and prioritize any/all real or potential issues(s) either current or future that threatens the well-being of any member of the Association, Board, Volunteers Members, Property, Revenue or Chattels, and/or the Associations reputation/stature in the community
  • Implement and enforce all current OMHA risk management programs.
  • Identify, prioritize and rate potential probability of hazards that may be associated with the organization fundraising events.
  • Recommend policies and procedures that insulate the Association from Liability or hazards with respect to the conduct of its business and on ice hockey affairs.
  • Shall maintain and enhance procedures with respect to screening volunteers to protect the Association, members and players from harm
  • Establish and maintain procedures with respect to clearance of all volunteers required to complete a police report including team officials and board members.
  • Assemble a list of on ice volunteers and give to registrar to be added to Volunteer Roster
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

 Head Trainer

Richard Caputi 

  • Act as Head Trainer for the Association, as per requirements of OHF and OMHA.
  • Act as a liaison between the Board and the team Trainers
  • Serve as the Associations Safety Resource Person and assure documentation and record-keeping of regulated OMHA programs, material and injuries
  • Periodically inspect local facilities (arenas) and property for safety issues that may present a hazard to players and members and to assure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Distribute on ice volunteer forms and volunteer rosters to all coaches and managers.
  • Be aware of and inform all trainers of any rules and procedures as they relate to safety and health risk management in hockey
  • Ensure all trainers have the appropriate qualifications and that they are recorded on their HCR profile.
  • Register as a “Trainer at Large” as well as creating and registering a group of “Trainers at Large” to be made available as required
  • Assist families with all medical forms and injury reports if/when required and process in accordance with OMHA guidelines
  • Ensure Trainer Coverage at all IMHA tryouts and evaluations
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Local League Hockey


  • Sit on the Discipline and Ethics Committee
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey (U10 and Above Teams)
  • Responsible for the overall operation of the Local League Hockey program
  • Maintain accurate records in regards to AP players, and Suspensions of Local League Hockey players and coaches
  • Responsible for all IMHA Local League teams.
  • Represent IMHA at all SRLL meetings
  • Responsible for reporting operations of the Local League Hockey Program to the Board
  • Responsible for the Evaluation and player assignment of all IMHA Local League teams
  • Responsible for the balancing of all IMHA Local League teams
  • Represent the IMHA at the OMHA Annual General Meeting
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Coaching and Development

Drew Beaton

  • Chair the Coaching Selection Committee – Representative Hockey
  • Chair the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey
  • Responsible for requesting, organizing and promoting OMHA Certification programs and Clinics in cooperation with the Director of Development.
  • Liaise between the IMHA Board and IMHA Coaches
  • Liaise with the OMHA concerning the coach mentor program
  • Ensure each coach in the IMHA is aware of IMHA By-Laws and rules of Operation and their location on the IMHA website.
  • Maintain and update IMHA coach’s agreement.
  • Ensure each coach reads and signs the IMHA Coaches agreement
  • Ensure that all coaches are aware of and adhere to the IMHA and all other affiliation’s policies as stated in article 4.1 of this By-Law
  • Ensure all team officials meet or exceed all certification requirements
  • Develop and maintain a coaching program at all levels and divisions.
  • Prepare the Coaching Applications for Local League Hockey and Representative Hockey, set a date for submission of all applications and select a slate of qualified coaches to be interviewed for the position of Coach for the following Hockey Season.
  • Prepare a questionnaire for the members of both Coaching Selection Committees, arrange interviews and along with input from the coaching selection committees select a slate of candidates to recommend to the board for ratification.
  • Act as OMHA D1 Field Evaluator in partnership with the Director of Development.
  • Assemble panel of Evaluators and act as an evaluator for all rep tryouts.
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board
  •  Sit on the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey
  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Representative Hockey
  • Responsible to develop a plan for a Local League Hockey development program
  • Responsible to develop a plan for a Representative Hockey development program
  • Work with Director of Finance, Treasurer to develop budget requirements, and maintain accurate financial record of funds spent and or collected during the execution of any development program.
  • Present development plan to the Board for Approval
  • Oversee IMHA select team programming
  • Advise on Policy pertaining to select team programming
  • Assist and advise on decisions involving player movement at all levels and divisions.
  • Act as OMHA D1 Field Evaluator in partnership with the Director of Coaching.
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of U9 and Below Programming

Chris Lubker

  • Sit on the Coaching Selection Committee – Local League Hockey (U9 and Below Teams)
  • Be responsible for all U9 and below programming
  • Be familiar with and oversee implementation of all U9 and below player pathways
  • Work with coaches during player evaluations to determine player placement or player movement to appropriate level team as per By-Laws, Rules of Operation, Player pathways and OMHA guidelines.
  • Work with Development Director in implementing programs to address needs of IMHA players U9 and below
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Fundraising and Sponsorship

Courtney Ward (interim)

  • Chair the Tournament Committee
  • Work in cooperation with the Director of Finance, Treasurer to maintain an accurate record of all monies received from the sponsors and ensuring no sponsors are in arrears.
  • Ensure all IMHA obligations to its sponsors are met
  • Provide a list of all sponsors and which teams they will be sponsoring to the Board
  • Maintain sponsor boards at all IMHA rented/leased facilities
  • Solicit and acquire sponsors for all IMHA Local League Hockey and House League Hockey teams
  • Recruit and Solicit sponsors for Tournaments and Special functions.
  • Be responsible for recommending and hiring a photographer to the Board and for arranging for the taking and distribution of individual and team photos
  • Organize or coordinate all fundraising activities pertaining to the IMHA
  • Maintain protected list of Sponsors for distribution to teams
  • Provide each team Coach and Manager with information regarding fundraising policies, Procedures, and acceptable activities.
  • Provide updates to Board on all fundraising activities
  • Organize the annual IMHA banquet, with approval of the Board
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Purchasing and Equipment

Stacey Hogan

  • Be responsible for the buying, maintenance, Distribution and collection of all IMHA owned hockey equipment with approval of the Board
  • Be responsible for the buying, maintenance, Distribution and collection of all IMHA owned hockey Jerseys with approval of the Board
  • Ensure that any unreturned equipment or jerseys owned by the IMHA is reported to the registrar and the Board.
  • Ensure surplus equipment is disposed of with the approval of the Board
  • Maintain a complete and detailed inventory list of all IMHA equipment which will include details of equipment allocation and usage
  • Responsible for authorizing any and all IMHA jersey purchases for/by any team
  • Provide supplier for all Representative Hockey Team Jerseys
  • Order all required Representative Hockey Team Jerseys and provide invoicing to each individual teams and Director of Finance, Treasurer
  • Responsible for the purchase of apparel and equipment for resale as well as holding apparel and equipment sales as approved by the Board
  • Work with Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising to ensure proper and timely placement of sponsorship on Jerseys
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Director of Communications

Steve Grass

  • Sit on Tournament Committee
  • Responsible for management and proactive maintenance of the IMHA website
  • Responsible for all communications between the IMHA and the Media regarding its operation and functions
  • Responsible for all communications between the IMHA and its members regarding operations and functions
  • Post on the website a regular newsletter to include bulletins from the Board, Notices and details of General Meetings of the Association and the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
  • Post on the website IMHA team statistics, game results, performances, fundraising dates, tournament news and any other information of interest to the membership.
  • Be responsible for review and editing of all team articles being submitted to any Media or IMHA Social Media account.
  • Maintain all IMHA social Media accounts to include but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Primary contact for teams to submit articles for publish on website and social media promoting success and accomplishments of teams.
  • Ensure proper notification to the Association of Registration times, dates, costs and all tryout schedules.
  • Responsible for managing relationships with web hosting vendors, recommendations of vendors to the Board, and content creation.
  • Perform an annual review of overall useability of the website, compare IMHA website to those of other centres to ensure full optimization.
  • Make changes to IMHA website to reflect finding of review and report to Board.
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Administrator & Registrar

Nicole Marinucci

  • Sit on the Budget and Finance Committee
  • Establish registration form and procedures
  • Ensure all registrants meet eligibility requirements as stipulated by OMHA for tryouts and formation of teams.
  • Ensure all players and officials are registered with IMHA.
  • Ensure all Players and officials are Rostered with IMHA.
  • Maintain a register of receipt regarding all registration fees received by the Association.
  • Maintain a current registration list of all players including Mailing Address, Telephone number, e-mail and Parent/Guardian name.
  • Communicate any changes in registration immediately to any Directors who will be affected and the Board.
  • Present a report regarding registration to the Board
  • Recommend Policy to the Board regarding registration
  • Submit rosters to the OMHA
  • Supply copies of all Local League Hockey rosters to appropriate Head coaches and Director of Local League Hockey
  • Supply copies of all Representative Hockey rosters to appropriate Head Coaches and Director of Representative Hockey, OMHA Delegate.
  • Sponsorship – 1 sponsorship for LL, jersey sponsorship (Atom/timbit)
  • Maintaining current payment system
  • Registration
  • Rosters
  • Volunteer Certifications
  • Knowledge of both current payment system & HCR
  • Work in partnership with the treasurer, directors of rep, U9 and below, Local League
  • Order year end medals and awards
  • Carry out other Duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Ice Scheduler

Sean Knight

  • Prepare separate ice requirements and contracts for Local League Hockey and Representative Hockey
  • Review past seasons ice requirements for Local League Hockey, forecast next seasons ice requirements for Local League Hockey and present recommendations to Board.
  • Review past seasons ice requirements for Representative Hockey, forecast next seasons ice requirements for Representative Hockey and present recommendations to Board
  • Partner with Director of Local League Hockey to schedule appropriate ice allocation for all evaluations, tryouts, practices and games.
  • Partner with Director of Representative Hockey, OMHA delegate to schedule appropriate ice allocation for all evaluations, tryouts, practices and games.
  • Partner with Director of Development to schedule appropriate ice allocation for clinics, development or other approved IMHA usage.
  • Partner with the President and Director of Development in utilizing unallocated ice in a timely manner
  • Attend all affiliated Associations Ice allocation Meetings on Behalf of the IMHA
  • Prepare a monthly report for Director of Local League Hockey outlining unused or misused Local League Hockey ice in time for the monthly meeting of the Board.
  • Prepare a monthly report for Director of Representative Hockey outlining unused or misused Representative Hockey Contract ice in time for the monthly meeting of the Board.
  • Prepare and maintain reports of all ice requirements for Local League Hockey to be available to the Town of Innisfil.
  • Prepare and maintain reports of all ice requirements for Representative Hockey to be available to the Town of Innisfil.
  • Assist the Director of Fundraising and Sponsorship in establishing ice allocation for all IMHA tournaments.
  • Be responsible for the buying and cancelation of all IMHA ice rentals, including signing of ice contracts with the Town of Innisfil.
  • Ensure the Accuracy of all invoices of all ice rentals and a timely submission of invoices.
  • Be responsible for maintaining and posting all ice schedules on IMHA website.
  • Serve as liaison with Arena Managers
  • Laisse with Referee Assignor to ensure awareness of all schedule changes
  • Failure to comply with rules and regulations as outlined in these By-Laws may result in termination. If position is terminated due to Gross Incompetence or negligence the IMHA may require a portion of any monies paid to be returned based on a pro ration of work done
  • Carry out other duties as assigned by the President or the Board

Referee Assignor

Wendy Godmere

  • Ensure there are sufficient referees in place to officiate all IMHA games, Playoff games, Tournament games and Exhibition Games and maintain a duty roster
  • Liaison with the Director of Finance, Treasurer and the Budget Committee to estimate fees for the upcoming year
  • Ensure refereeing complaints are addressed and solved in a timely matter, and that an incident report is provided to the Director of Risk, Head Trainer outlining the complaint and resolution
  • Recruit, Train, Monitor, and Evaluate performance of referees.
  • Schedule referees, maintaining accurate records of payment
  • Advise IMHA on all matters pertaining to rules and regulations and any changes to said rules and regulations
  • Recommend and organize referee clinics as required and by request of the Board
  • Failure to comply with rules and regulations as outlined in these By-Laws may result in termination. If position is terminated due to Gross Incompetence or negligence the IMHA may require a portion of any monies paid to be returned based on a pro ration of work done
  • Carry out other duties as assigned by the President or the Board