Parents Code of Conduct (Innisfil Minor Hockey)

Parents Code of Conduct
All IMHA Parents Must Complete this Form
Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

As a parent/guardian (here in referred to as parent) of the Innisfil Minor Hockey Association, I agree that I will:

  1. Not force my child to participate in hockey, but support my child’s desires to play if it is the child’s chosen sport. I will remember that my child plays hockey for fun. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the children ahead of any desire to win. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all children in the sport.
  2. Encourage my child to play by the rules. I will remember, children learn best by example, and will applaud good plays/efforts of both teams in victory and defeat. I will enforce the positive points of the game.
  3. Encourage my child to do his or her best, have fun and demonstrate good sportsmanship, how to win and lose gracefully and will lead by example. I will encourage my child to work through conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.
  4. Not embarrass my child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. I will show a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants. I will never yell at or physically abuse, or ridicule my child after a game or practice – it is destructive and abuse will be reported. I will be a partner in working towards removing physical and verbal abuse in youth sports.
  5. Never yell, taunt, threaten or inflict physical violence upon any player, coach, official or spectator at any youth hockey activity. I will refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar language, racial, ethnic or gender-related slurs at any time at the rink or any youth hockey function. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth hockey games.
  6. Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my young athlete. I will de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game.
  7. Not be critical of, or embarrass any player, including opposing players. I will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators with dignity and respect in language, attitude, behavior and mannerisms. I understand that my behavior reflects on my child and on the IMHA program, and I will require the same of my child.
  8. Try to ensure I have knowledge about the game and league rules and support the officials on and off the ice. This approach will help in the development and support of the game. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game.
  9. Do my best to demonstrate “Good Sportsmanship” at all times. I will not condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the ice, which are not consistent with good sportsmanship.
  10. Help my child to understand and respect the rules of the game as well as to respect their coaches. I will encourage my child to remember that he or she is part of a team and to work for the good of the team.
  11. Leave the coaching to the coaching staff and will not approach the bench. I will encourage my child to play in a manner consistent with the team’s strategy or plans. I will not undermine the coaches’ authority by trying to be a coach instead of a parent.
  12. Provide support for coaches and officials working with my child’s team and provide a positive experience for all. I understand that coaching is a difficult endeavor, and I will always give coaches the benefit of the doubt and treat them with respect. Further, I will recognize the importance of volunteer bench staff. I will remember that they are important to the development of my child and the sport. I will communicate with my child’s bench staff regularly and support them.
  13. Abide by the team’s communication rules between coaches and parents (e.g. through the parent liaison, manager etc) when dealing with any team issues/concerns and will maintain privacy of sensitive team information where possible and ethical to do so. This includes abiding with the IMHA “24-Hour Rule” *.
  14. Respect the rights and feelings of officials, coaches, trainers, players, volunteers and board members.  will be respectful with both bench staff and board members in all communications. I will be responsible for my guests at my child’s hockey games, encouraging them to respect and abide by the Parents’ Code of Conduct.
  15. Abide by the IMHA Cyber Bullying Policy.

I have reviewed the Parent Code of Conduct and I commit to adhering to it.

Parents are to review this guideline and sign the document if in agreement. Parents who decide not to sign this document are required to address their concerns with their Director of Rep. The intent of the Parent Code of Conduct is to educate parents and positively influence parent behaviour and to identify what the IMHA has determined to be expected and acceptable behaviour by parents/spectators.

IMHA 24-Hour Rule - If any person(s) determine that any concerns, events, methodologies, or conduct requires to be brought forward for attention, then that person(s) is to wait 24 hours after the event prior to initiating the contact. This 24-hour rule allows for emotions to be set aside, placing the event in perspective, and enabling the opportunity for an objective evaluation and approach. The recipient of the information is then allowed 24 hours to respond, for the same purposes.

For IMHA Parent Code of Conduct violators: 

I understand that this contract constitutes a PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT POLICY, however, should the offence/incident be determined as unsafe or warrants quick actions the progressive punishment may need to be waived. Any complaints related to the above will be investigated by the Director of Risk and/or Discipline committee as deemed necessary and managed accordingly.

  1. The first reported incident/offence of non-compliance with the Code will result in a written warning from the Director of Risk/Discipline Committee in collaboration with the coaching staff of your child’s team. The parent will be put on probation until the end of the season. Depending on the nature of the offence there is potential that a parent may have limited parental access to the team and/or facilities for the remainder of the season and into future seasons.
  2. The second reported incident/offence will be managed by the discipline committee and could lead to parent suspension, which would include barring said parent from contact with the team and from attending any team function during this time including games and practices.  Depending on the nature of the offence there is potential that a parent could be removed/suspended for a prolonged period (i.e. for the remainder of the season and into future seasons).
  3. The third reported incident/offence will be managed by the discipline committee. The parent may be permanently removed from the IMHA and this could also impact the child of said parent in future participation in the IMHA. Any failure of the parent to follow served suspensions or warnings will potentially result in suspension of their child as well. NO contact with players or coaches will be allowed with the team by the parent in this situation.

Once this form is completed in full, it should be returned immediately to the Risk Management Director for the Innisfil Minor Hockey Association via the team manager by emailing a copy to [email protected]

Personal Information

Team Information

Your submission of this online form constitutes an electronic signature, which carries the same legal weight as a handwritten signature.