Coach Applications 2024-25 (Innisfil Minor Hockey)

Coach Applications 2024-25
Local League Head Coach Applications Now Open. Complete this form and indicate which category and division you wish to be apply for. Applicants can expect a response within 48 hours after application deadline. For questions, please contact Drew Beaton, Director of Coaching via email at [email protected]

Personal Information

Complete Personal information.

Application to Coach

Please indicate the division of your choosing.


Add certification details here. You can find your credentials in your profile on Hockey Canada.


What experience do you bring?

Experience 2

Experience cont.

Why are you interested in coaching?



You must attach a resume.

Coaching Application Signature


1. I hereby consent to the disclosure of the above information
2. I hereby acknowledge the authority of Hockey Canada, OHF, OMHA and the Local Minor Hockey Association and agree to carry out and abide by their constitutions, bylaws, rules & regulations.
3. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the coaches role outlined in the "Coaches Code of Conduct".
4. I hereby agree to familiarize myself with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) requirements for coaching in the OMHA and ensure that I maintain the required level of certification.
5. I understand that Player Development is a priority of the Association, and I support this.
6. I hereby agree to actively participate in all development & Coach Mentorship sessions.
7. I hereby agree to provide a detailed Seasonal Plan during my interview.
8. I hereby pledge to provide the best program I can for my players.
Checked: I agree to the terms and conditions stated above